Funny: Elder Hunt is a total lady killer. At our ward’s
Christmas party there was a pair of twins who sang a song. Later that night
they came up to us and both admitted that they had been staring at Elder Hunt
the whole time. haha.
Spiritual: This week we have really decided to depend on the Spirit. We decided to ask God that if there was someone in the house we were looking at we would get the thought "what if?" On Tuesday we were out in Greenhaven tracting some apartments. Several times I would be staring at a door then I would turn to move on and that thought of "what if" would pop into my head. Every time I followed that prompting there was someone there who was interested in our message. As a result, we picked up 8 new investigators and plenty of potentials. God knows where the elect are and he will guild you, but only if you put a bit of planning and work in first.
Where I am at: I am with Elder Hunt and Elder Kahle. Elder
Hunt is from Idaho Falls, and Elder Kahle is from American Fork, Utah. They are
both stellar missionaries. I love them both so much. This week we had a lot of
success. We finally had investigators at church. The Weiss family showed up and
we were over joyed. Thy are doing so good and we are excited for their baptism.
We also are now unstoppable because we are in a trio. As such we have gotten
into a lot of houses that we normally wouldn't have. It has been great. The
weather here has cooled down, in the evenings we do put on sweaters ;). We have
loved being here and we hope that we get to stay as a trio for a while.
I love you all
Elder Black
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