Monday, February 19, 2018

The "not so" humble 3rd grader

Funny: We have a family in the ward who need a bit of help and so they asked us to teach them the lessons. We were going over the restoration and we asked them what God had given their family that had blessed them the most. Their 8-year-old son piped up "ME". We all laughed up at that and then went on. The lesson went a bit different than we had planned and we got on the subject of pride. We again asked the kids who knew what being humble meant. Again the 8-year-old son piped up "it's basically me". Haha.

Spiritual: We had zone conference this week and it was all about Christ and member missionary work. It was incredible. The training that Sister Adams gave was on perspective. It is so neat to think about having that eternal perspective and we decided to do that for the rest of the week. We had a lesson with the Andersons where we had to take them off date because of reasons out of their control. We were able to use that training on perspective to help them see that it is God’s time not our time.

Where I am at: Life is good. We are working hard and feeling the Spirit testify through us. We were going to go on a hike in Pagosa Springs today but there is a beautiful winter storm going on right now and so we will have to do that another week. I hope that you are all staying warm and busy.

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