Monday, April 15, 2019

God's Hand

Funny: Sometimes there are just things on your mission that seem to recur over and over. One such thing always occurs when I am in a trailer park. Every time without fail something like this happens: we knock on the door and a man opens. We have a few names so we ask, "Is Ty or Lance here?" The answer came back "no" so we do what we do and introduces ourselves we asked him what his name was and as it always happens before the answer was "Lance". Haha, I wonder if people just don't hear us or if they think they are really clever by answering no the first time.

Spiritual: we had a lesson this week with a lady who was taught way back in the 2016. She had noticed that in her life she saw a lot more blessings when she was meeting with the missionaries and keeping the commitments. It was not an exceptional lesson but it is so spiritually invigorating to see the hand of God so plainly shown in His work.

Where I am at: well after another exciting round of transfers I will be spending my next 7 weeks here in Cortez with Elder Barajas. Elder Curtis is being shipped out to Dennihotso which is very very deep rez. It will be an adventure for both of us. It should be a great couple of weeks though.

Happy Easter
Elder Black

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